Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Today, Matt and I were talking about muscle-ups and I decided to set a personal goal to be able to do one by February 1st. About an hour later I was out back and reading an article in the new Crossfit journal about them (technique, tips, etc.) and decided I'd start to learn now. After about 15 minutes of failed attempts and thinking that my arms were going to snap at the elbows, an amazing thing happened. I did a muscle-up in a month shy of my goal. For anyone who is struggling with them the advise I offer is to concentrate on: 1-technique, 2-technique, 3-you should get the point by now. My first couple of attempts frustrated me because I assumed I simply did not have the strength, however, I painfully realized that the motion is the determining factor as to whether or not you pull it off. They are uncomfortable, unnatural, and painful, but practice will make perfect. For a detailed description of how to successfully perform a muscle-up I suggest you subscribe to the Crossfit journal, but if you want to run out and try one right now, remember: keep your arms as close to your body as possible, while pulling up try to put your face in front of the rings as far as you can, and the position for the rings should start parallel, transition to adjacent, and once you are about to the dip position the rings should become parallel again ( II 00 II ). Aside from that, just keep trying. The WOD of the day was "Helen", but that's not as exciting.

Walk it out..

1 comment:

Eva T. said...

Brandon, cool blog you have going.